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Astro Envision

Birth Chart Analysis

BIRTH-CHART ANALYSIS - General Predictions

Time Horizon: - Ten Years

Report: One Time

Telephonic/ Internet Consultancy: Once after you Receive the Report.

Yearly predictive will mainly cover for a Year's Horizon on the following areas, covering significant part.

Birth Chart analysis will mainly cover for Planetary Calculations and broadly covering predictions on Academics, Career, Finance, Wellness and major pattern of life & timings of your favourable and unfavorable phases in your life.

Do's and Don'ts which will bring continuous and lifelong relief from major obstacles you may face in your life. Remedial Measure to be taken.

A written document shall be made and emailed to you covering general predictions on yearly basis.

You may please speak to me twice after receiving the report as a part of this service for clarifications.

Consultation Charges: INR10000/- OR US$ - 250/-
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