Explanations for Asking Horary Questions
There are a few important things to be kept in mind before asking a horary question. Please take a moment to read through the rules below before you send me your question, as they play an important role in helping for a properly formulated horary question.
- Only one question at a time preferably. At any given time only one question may be asked in Horary Consultation. One main reason for asking one question at time is that it ensures that the question asked is of the importance to the Querent. However in a critical situation, second questions may be asked.
- The Question must be important enough on asking it. To give an accurate answer to Horary Query the question must have a significant degree of mental, emotional and high desire to know by Querent. It is important that that Querent wants the answer without considering the outcome of it, be it positive or negative outcome as the planetary disposition states. Question should not be asked for other people unless it has direct personal impact.
- The Question must be answerable. The Question must be verifiable. Horary doesn't work with the speculative history, philosophy, or spiritual questions concerning karma, or reincarnation, theology etc such as "what is the meaning of life" is not a legitimate horary question, since there is no way to answer such question in Horary astrology. You can see ‘View Possible Horary Questions’ for more clarity.
- Timeframe for Horary Query. Generally the timeline of asking Second time about a Horary Query is from six months to a Year and this is generally accepted practice in Horary Astrology.
Improper Horary Question & Clarity
Horary is much more specific and precise than Natal astrology, but it can’t answer vague questions such as: ‘
What kind of a career am I best suited for?’
‘What should I study for my career” etc.
Most Horary Query should be answerable with Positive or Negative outcome of a Query and sometime a timeframe for outcome/ result, if indicated in the Horary Chart. Horary is very useful for determining whether the thing will happen in the future or not, but it is not useful for asking advice about what actions one should take.
For example "should I take the job offer?" would not be an appropriate horary question, because whether or not the job should be taken is ambiguous and involves some sort of subjective value judgment about the quality of the job and its appropriateness for you at that point in your life.
A more appropriate horary question would be "will I get the job?" because it references something that definitely will or will not happen in the future, and thus the answer will clear the Positive or Negative outcome of event/situation.
One final point to keep in mind is that Horary Query is always the one that is posed to the astrologer, exactly as it is phrased, so it is important to think about your question a bit more before hand and to phrase it very precisely. You can please see ‘View Possible Horary Question’ for more clarity.